What Is Periodontal/Gum Disease?

Swollen, red, bleeding, or receding gums – all signs of periodontal disease. This may also include bad breath, painful chewing, and loose teeth. When plaque builds, it can harden into a substance called tartar that can only be removed with a cleaning at the dentist. Without removal, gingivitis may be developed. This condition can be treated, but when left unchecked it continues to snowball into more advanced periodontitis which can lead to larger health complications. 

Gum Disease Treatments

Professional dental cleaning: Removal of the plaque and tartar below the gumline.

Scaling and root planing: Removal of plaque and tartar from both above and below the gum line while under local anesthetic, called scaling. Spots that are rougher on the tooth root are smoothed out, called planing.


When is gum surgery necessary?
Only when nonsurgical treatments are ineffective for the level of disease present. 


How can you prevent gum disease?
Good at home oral hygiene and regular cleanings are your best weapon against these conditions. 


What is a gum graft?
The removal of tissue from the roof of the mouth and transplanted to an affected gumline to help promote natural tissue growth over the exposed roots.